YKK - Little Parts. Big Difference.


SNAPET® Open Prong

Snapet® is a line of miniature snaps most commonly used for children's wear, medical wear, and workwear in applications that require light tension snap action and low-profile attachments.
Open prong cause minimal fabric damage and it has excellent hold power on delicate fabrics.
Available in paint to match colors and anti-nickel finishes.




테이블 설명
  Function (Shape)
Open Prong
Size (mm) 12L (7.2mm) OK
13L (7.8mm) OK
14L (8.2mm) OK
15L (9.5mm) OK
16L (10.1mm) OK
18L (11.4mm) OK
22L (13.9mm) OK

Care Information / Remarks

Due to the sensitive nature of the small Snapet®, great attention must be paid to correct attaching procedures and foundation thicknesses to ensure a safe and secure attachment. All applications should be reviewed and approved by YKK technical applications specialist.
Quality attachments are dependant on the attaching equipment.
YKK recommended dies and equipment should be used to attach YKK products. Please consult the nearest YKK office for further details.
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